Prigann J, Tavora R, Furler O’Brien RL, Schulze-Gahmen U, Boehm D, Roan NR, Nixon DF, Ndhlovu LC, Valente S, and Ott M. Silencing the transcriptionally active HIV reservoir to improve treatment outcomes. Nature Microbiology. 2024.
Daniel Dunn, Jeffrey Malgady, Bruno Lima, Jacqueline M. Crater, Perla M. Del Río Estrada, Maria Fernanda Torres-Ruiz, Yara Andrea Luna-Villalobos, Mauricio González-Navarro, Colin Kovacs, Chris Kang, Dyche Mullins, Paul Jolicoeur, Santiago Ávila-Ríos, Douglas F. Nixon, and Robert L. Furler O’Brien. “PP1.2 – 00165 Inhibition of ARP2/3 by HIV Nef Leads to Impaired CD4+ T Cell Function & Dysregulation of Immunity within Progressors but not all HIV Controllers”. Journal of Virus Eradication. Volume 10,Supplement. December 2024.
Crater JM, Dunn DC, Nixon DF, Furler O’Brien RL. HIV-1 Mediated Cortical Actin Disruption Mirrors ARP2/3 Defects Found in Primary T Cell Immunodeficiencies. bioRxiv 2023.07.27.550856; doi:
Furler O’Brien RL, Kovacs C. A Subset of HIV-1 Controllers Lack Cortical Actin Disruption Indicative of ARP2/3 Inhibition. bioRxiv 2023.07.27.550860; doi:
Liuliu Yang, Tae Wan Kim, Yuling Han, Manoj S. Nair, Oliver Harschnitz, Jiajun Zhu, Pengfei Wang, So Yeon Koo, Lauretta A. Lacko, Vasuretha Chandar, Yaron Bram, Tuo Zhang, Wei Zhang, Feng He, Chendong Pan, Junjie Wu, Yaoxing Huang, Todd Evans, Paul van der Valk, Maarten J. Titulaer, Jochem K.H. Spoor, Robert L. Furler O’Brien, Marianna Bugiani, Wilma D.J. Van de Berg, Robert E. Schwartz, David D. Ho, Lorenz Studer, Shuibing Chen. SARS-CoV-2 infection causes dopaminergic neuron senescence. Cell Stem Cell. 2024
Ikegame S, Carmichael JC, Wells H, Furler O'Brien RL, Acklin JA, Chiu HP, Oguntuyo KY, Cox RM, Patel AR, Kowdle S, Stevens CS, Eckley M, Zhan S, Lim JK, Veit EC, Evans MJ, Hashiguchi T, Durigon E, Schountz T, Epstein JH, Plemper RK, Daszak P, Anthony SJ, Lee B. Metagenomics-enabled reverse-genetics assembly and characterization of myotis bat morbillivirus. Nature Microbiology. 2023.
Crater JM, Dunn DC, Nixon DF, Furler O’Brien RL. A History and Atlas of the Human CD4+ T Helper Cell. Biomedicines. 2023; 11(10):2608.
3D Human Tissue Models for HIV Working Group; Yin DE, Palin AC, Lombo TB, Mahon RN, Poon B, Wu DY, Atala A, Brooks KM, Chen S, Coyne CB, D'Souza P, Fackler OT, Furler O'Brien RL, Garcia-de-Alba C, Jean-Philippe P, Karn J, Majji S, Muotri AR, Ozulumba T, Sakatis MZ, Schlesinger LS, Singh A, Spiegel HML, Struble E, Sung K, Tagle DA, Thacker VV, Tidball AM, Varthakavi V, Vunjak-Novakovic G, Wagar LE, Yeung CK, Ndhlovu LC, Ott M. 3D Human Tissue Models and Microphysiological Systems for HIV and Related Comorbidities. Trends in Biotechnology 2023.
Lyons DE, Kumar P, Roan NR, Defechereux PA, Feschotte C, Lange UC, Murthy N, Sameshima P, Verdin E, Ake JA, Parsons MS, Nath A, Gianella S, Smith DM, Kallas EG, Villa TJ, Strange R, Mwesigwa B, Furler O’Brien RL, Nixon DF, Ndhlovu LC, Valente ST, Ott M., 2023. HIV-1 Remission: Accelerating the Path to Permanent HIV-1 Silencing. Viruses 15, 2171.
Iñigunez LP, Del Río Estrada PM, Newcombe KL, Dunn D, González-Navarro M, Fernanda Torres-Ruiz M, Luna-Villalobos YA, Copertino Jr DC, de Mulder Rougvie M, Ávila-Ríos S, Nixon DF, and Furler O’Brien RL. P-1.41 Spatial Transcriptomics and the Search for the Latent HIV-1 Cell Niche. Journal of Virus Eradication. 8, Supplement (December 2022).
Crater J, Premeaux T, Leda A, Jablonski S, Newcombe KL, Fine H, Valente S, Ndhlovu L, Nixon D, Furler O’Brien RL. P-2.7 Modeling HIV-1 Pathogenesis and Latency in iPSC-Derived Human Cerebral Organoids. Journal of Virus Eradication. 8, Supplement (December 2022).
Crater JM, Nixon DF, Furler O'Brien RL, HIV-1 Replication and Latency are Balanced by mTOR-Driven Cell Metabolism, Frontiers in Cellular And Infection Microbiology. 2022
DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.1068436.
Furler RL, Nixon DF. HIV-1 Exploits Transitions Between CD4(+) T Cell Migration and Activation. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2022;38:97-99.
Duarte RRR, Pain O, Furler RL, Nixon DF, Powell TR. Transcriptome-wide association study of HIV-1 acquisition identifies HERC1 as a susceptibility gene. iScience. 2022;25:104854.
Sarabia I, Novis CL, Macedo AB, Takata H, Nell R, Kakazu JC, Furler RL, Shakya B, Schubert HL, Hill CP, DePaula-Silva AB, Spivak AM, Trautmann L, Planelles V, Bosque A. Activation of the Anti-Oxidative Stress Response Reactivates Latent HIV-1 Through the Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling Protein Isoform MiniMAVS. Frontiers in immunology. 2021;12:682182.
Premeaux TA, Mediouni S, Leda A, Furler RL, Valente ST, Fine HA, Nixon DF, Ndhlovu LC. Next-Generation Human Cerebral Organoids as Powerful Tools To Advance NeuroHIV Research. mBio. 2021:e0068021.
Lee B, Ikegame S, Carmichael J, Wells H, Furler R, Acklin J, Chiu HP, Oguntuyo K, Cox R, Patel A, Kowdle S, Stevens C, Eckley M, Zhan S, Lim J, Hashiguchi T, Durigon EL, Schountz T, Epstein J, Plemper R, Daszak P, Anthony S. Zoonotic potential of a novel bat morbillivirus. Res Sq. 2021.
Chen S, Han Y, Yang L, Kim T, Nair M, Harschnitz O, Wang P, Zhu J, Koo SY, Tang X, Lacko L, Chandar V, Bram Y, Zhang T, Zhang W, He F, Caicedo J, Huang Y, Evans T, van der Valk P, Titulaer MJ, Spoor JKH, Furler RL, Canoll P, Goldman J, Przedborski S, Schwartz R, Ho D, Studer L. SARS-CoV-2 Infection Causes Dopaminergic Neuron Senescence. Res Sq. 2021.
Curty G, Beckerle GA, Iniguez LP, Furler RL, de Carvalho PS, Marston JL, Champiat S, Heymann JJ, Ormsby CE, Reyes-Teran G, Soares MA, Nixon DF, Bendall ML, Leal FE, de Mulder Rougvie M. Human Endogenous Retrovirus Expression Is Upregulated in the Breast Cancer Microenvironment of HIV Infected Women: A Pilot Study. Front Oncol. 2020;10:553983.
Ali A, Furler RL, Pedroza-Martins L, Colantonio AD, Anisman-Posner D, Bryson Y, Yang OO, Uittenbogaart CH. A Novel HIV-1 Nef Mutation in a Primary Pediatric Isolate Impairs MHC-Class I Downregulation and Cytopathicity. AIDS research and human retroviruses. 2020;36:122-130.
Furler RL, Nixon DF. The Intimate Relationship Between CD4+ T Cell Morphology and HIV-1 Infection. AIDS research and human retroviruses. 2019.
Furler RL, Newcombe KL, Del Rio P, Reyes-Teran G, Uittenbogaart CH, Nixon DF. Histoarchitectural Deterioration of Lymphoid Tissues in HIV-1 Infection and in Aging. AIDS research and human retroviruses. 2019.
Furler RL, Ali A, Yang OO, Nixon DF. Nef-induced differential gene expression in primary CD4+ T cells following infection with HIV-1 isolates. Virus Genes. 2019;55:541-544.
Furler, RL. P-A5 HIV Infected Cells Have Depolarized Membrane Potentials and Increased Intracellular Calcium Levels. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 77, 54 (April 2018, 2018).
Furler RL, Nixon DF, Brantner CA, Popratiloff A, Uittenbogaart CH. TGF-beta Sustains Tumor Progression through Biochemical and Mechanical Signal Transduction. Cancers. 2018;10.
Furler RL, Uittenbogaart CH. GLI2 regulates TGF-beta1 in human CD4+ T cells: implications in cancer and HIV pathogenesis. PloS one. 2012;7:e40874.
Furler RL, Uittenbogaart CH. Signaling through the P38 and ERK pathways: a common link between HIV replication and the immune response. Immunol Res. 2010;48:99-109.